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Nottingham ezreal ingame 2016

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It was empty, except for a shining bronze colored gauntlet with some short of crystal on its center. Buried in a chamber in which an unnamed emperor rested, Ezreal found another tomb: the tomb of Ne’zuk. Ezreal could picture himself each time closer to finally knowing what happened to his parents.įinally, he managed what they evidently had not. He finally managed to find some ruins beneath the sands of the desert, facing off various 'unspoken dangers' guarding the chambers below.

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Going South from the port city, he followed his mother's notes to navigate through the desert, crossing the the Great Sai with merchant caravans.

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And so he left, leaving a farewell note to his uncle as he snuck onto a supply ship bound for Nashramae. He started to plot his journey, as well as gathering various supplies from the university: celestial diagrams, translations of runic sigils, guides on the burial rites of Shurima, and a pair of protective goggles. He knew, if he was ever to find his mother and father, he had to start with the final resting place of Ne’Zuk. Ezreal made a decision: He abandoned the little academic practices he still attended to, deciding to go out on his own. He is convinced they are still out there, somewhere: In the end. He had heard numerous times about their preparations, about the studies, everything. Ezreal on the other hand, couldn't admit that. Some of his favorite activities included evading the campus wardens, navigating the tunnels beneath the lecture halls and going over the library rooftops, and even lockpicking his way into some areas like the teacher’s offices with time, where he rearranged whatever he could find for his own amusement.Īs Ezreal grew, the absences of his parents became longer, until they did not return home, his uncle admitting in tears that the had most likely died somewhere in the desert. Surprisingly, Ezreal quickly became adept at just absorbing the information, passing his assignments easily with virtually no preparation, and with time found studying a waste of time, angering his uncle, while his days became more roaming around the university, and less attending to classes. His solution was to assign him strict tutors, to teach him subjects like advanced cartography, hextech mechanics, and ancient histories of Runeterra. The rest of the time, he spent at his uncle's, who really didn't like to have such problems taking care of, and often arguing with such a rebellious child. Ezreal loved hearing about these tales from his parents.

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His father would joke that he'd learn how to use Ne'zuk's method in teleporting so that he can instantly drop into Piltover after an expedition to have dinner with his son. The most ambitious and secretive of these ambitions was a search for the lost tomb of Ne’zuk, a Shuriman tyrant who was said to be able to jump instantly from one place to another. His father would often tell him everything they saw during their travels and also shared his plans for future expeditions. As such, they were often away for extended periods of time on expeditions and Ezreal was taken care of by his uncle, professor Lymere.Įzreal was used to his parents' absence but his imagination was fueled by the stories they told him when they would return home, growing his desire to join them on their travels and 'fill the blank spaces of every map', as his parents would put it.

  • 1.2.1 In search of The Vault of Resplendent HolliesĮzreal was born and raised in a wealthy neighborhood of Piltover as the son of two renowned archeologists.

  • Nottingham ezreal ingame 2016